"LIVING SEEDS" "种子"作品概念-- 作品主要是由不同的线编织与奥地利水晶,意大利玻璃球等材料,组合而成。用线这种材质本身的特性,编织出各种有机型,百分之百的手工编织也令每一件作品产生细微的变化,成为独一无二的个体,利用线本身的弹性和编结方式来固定和包裹以及连接其他材料。
“Living Seeds”--Seeds, always contain the energy, and never stop growing.This collection would like to present the three-dimensional sculpt made from simplesoft materials, like thread. Like the seed growing, needle working with thread become into entity.Just use the specialty of the thread, connecting each single piece, I can find that more things formed by different materials are so interesting, and the connections of figures and colors.
material:terylene,925silver, resin, copper, italy glass-ball.